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LoginPublished on January 23, 2014
The first Executive Meeting of 2008 took place on 27 March 2008, in Trinidad & Tobago
From left: Mr. A. Kidd, Mr. H. Riddervold, Mr. T.Indrebø (Secretary General), Mr. E. L. Anadón (President),Datuk A.R. Hj Hashim (Vice President) and Mr. G.Verberg (Immediate Past President).Photo: Ms.B.Schmid (IGU Secr).
Approved Minutes
List of Decisions
Liste des Décisions
Cover Letter
Agenda item 1:
Opening by the President of IGU
Agenda item 2:
Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting on October 23, 2007, in St.Petersburg, Russia
Agenda item 3:
Information from the Presidency and the Secretary General
Agenda item 4:
Progress report from the Coordination Committee (CC). Presentation held by Mr. Roberto D. Brandt, Chairman of CC
Agenda item 5:
Report on preparation for the 24th World Gas Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Presentation held by Mrs. Graciela Melo de Ortolá, Secretary of the National Organising Committee (NOC)
Agenda item 6:
Candidates for Presidency 2012-2015
Agenda item 7:
Candidates for WOC and PGC Chairs and Vice Chairs 2009-2012
Agenda item 8:
Status on the preparation for the next IGU Research Conference (IGRC)
Status on NGVs in Russia, prepared by Gazprom,not shown in the meeting.
Agenda item 9:
2008 Strategic statement from IGU
Agenda item 10:
IGU Gas efficiency award
Agenda item 11:
Finance: IGU Accounts 2007 (to be endorsed)
Agenda item 12:
IGU Marketing Plan and Membership
Presentation by Mr. George Verberg (DELTA)
Part Two: Round Table 16.30-18.30 hrs
“The Atlantic Basin LNG Arena” moderated by Mr. Oscar Prieto, CEO, Atlantic LNG.
Presentations held by:
Mr. Frank Look Kin, President of the National Gas Company of Trinidad & Tobago
Mr. Chawki Rahal, Executive Vice President, Sonatrach Djenane El Malik, Algeria
Mr. Jay Copan, Senior Vice President, American Gas Association, USA
Mr. Jan R. Schøpp, Vice President, Strategy and Analyses, Natural Gas, Statoil Hydro ASA, Norway
Mr. Seiichi Uchino, Technical General Manager, Chairman of PGC D, LNG, Japan
Practical Information
Hotel Fact Sheet
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Executive Committee Session in Trinidad & Tobago 26 – 28 March 2008
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