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Sustainability Committee 2022-2025

Last updated 02/07/24

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Group Administrator Naiara Ortiz de Mendíbil

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Sustainability Committee

In recent years, sustainability has become one of the most important issues in the industry and in society. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change  (UNFCCC) was created in 1994 and was the first step towards a more secure future. The first COP meeting was in Berlin, Germany, in March 1995. From that moment and after the approval in 1997 of the Kyoto Protocol, sustainability became increasingly important in our lives.

The objective of UNFCCC in the last COP is trying to keep temperature rise within 1.5oC – which scientists say is required to prevent a “climate catastrophe”. Current pledges, if met, will only limit global warming to about 2.4oC.

A new global agreement – the Glasgow Climate Pact – was reached at the COP26 summit in Glasgow. This agreement will set the global agenda on climate change for the next decade, and some announcements were made as a scheme to cut 30% of methane emissions by 2030 agreed by more than 100 countries. The final goal is to keep cutting emissions until they reach net zero by mid-century.

From this perspective, the Sustainability Committee would like to provide an agenda and long strategic view of renewable gases to achieve  the decarbonisation of the gas sector and other sectors that consume gas for their processes such as households, industry, transportation , and power generation, and to reduce GHG emissions with the objective of becoming emission neutral by 2050.

Sustainability Committee Study groups  are structured to address these issues by renewing past researcheand analysing  best practices around the world.


Naiara Ortiz de Mendíbil


Juan Antonio Perez Cuevas


Sutainability Committee will focus in 3 study groups:

Study Group 1: Renewable Gases as a solution

Study group 1 would like to address the following topics:

  • Worldwide Benchmark study on the degree of implementation of renewable gases by collecting different data:
    • Renewable gas potential by country and by feedstock.
    • The regulatory framework, incentives or other mechanisms adopted in countries where the production and use of renewable gas is already advanced.
    • Number of projects of each renewable gas by country and their main characteristics.
    • Drivers for renewable gas penetration and key R&D projects around biomethane, hydrogen and syngas.
  • A report will be produced incorporating the information obtained from the benchmarking study and a summary of best practices for renewable gas development in different countries, both from an investor and  policy maker standpoint.

Study Group 2: Methane emissions reduction

The main activity  for this group will be:

  • Analyse Best Practice in the gas sector to reduce methane emissions.
  • Define and propose a standard methodology to measure methane emissions in the gas sector.
  • Define strategies aiming to reach the objectives of the Global Methane Pledge.

Study Group 3Environmental and Social Governance

Main topics in this group will be:

  • Benchmarking ESG practices in the gas sector.
  • Benchmarking ESG practices in other sectors applicable to our industry.
  • A guide on ESG best practices for implementation in the global gas sector .

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2nd Sutainability Meeting. 13th-15th March 2023

Published on December 15, 2022

March 13-15, 2023
London (UK)
Naiara Ortiz de Mendíbil

Juan Antonio Perez Cuevas

Eric Semel

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