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Press Release

IGU Statement on the Influence Map Report

19 December 2022

The International Gas Union (IGU) thanks Influence Map for its interest in our work. As the report accurately states, the IGU represents the global gas industry, and advocacy is a clear part of our mandate.

As an association of the global gas industry, the IGU also hosts the most extensive network of gas professionals with more than 1,000 technical and commercial specialists from our member groups and companies working on research topics and sharing their international expertise in everything from supply and utilisation to innovation and sustainability via IGU’s 11 Committees and 3 Task Forces.


as cited in the IGU Vision and Mission includes natural gas, renewable gas and biomethane, hydrogen, decarbonised gases, and low carbon gases. The IGU supports the Paris Agreement, Nationally Determined Contributions to reduce GHG emissions, and it is committed to the significant decarbonisation of the global energy system.

Natural gas is the fuel that today meets a quarter of the world’s primary energy demand in more than 100 countries, and any serious effort decarbonise the energy system at a scale suitable for the Paris targets, will require clean electricity and gas, including natural gas, renewable or biogas, hydrogen, carbon capture technologies, and the necessary infrastructure to deliver this energy to people and businesses.

Gas is an invaluable balancer of the power system, enabling rapid scaling and smooth integration of renewables, today and in the future.

The IGU advocates for gas, including natural gas and new gases, because switching from coal to natural gas now reduces climate warming greenhouse gas emissions by half (and from oil by up to a third), while cutting air pollution to near zero, and the deployment of low and zero carbon gases means further decarbonisation.

The IGU calls for a constructive dialogue between all key actors and stakeholders. It is the only way toward achievable solutions for a challenge as complex and urgent as transforming the global energy system.

End of Statement

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About the IGU

The IGU is a worldwide non-profit global gas industry association of more than 150 members in over 80 countries. The IGU seeks to improve the quality of life by advancing gas as key contributor to a sustainable energy future.

IGU Vision

As the global voice of gas, IGU seeks to improve the quality of life by advancing gas as a key contributor to a sustainable energy future.

IGU Mission Statement:

  • IGU is the key and credible advocate of political, technical and economic progress of the global gas industry, directly and through its members and in collaboration with other multilateral organizations.
  • IGU works to improve the competitiveness of gas in the world energy markets by promoting transparency, public acceptance efforts and the removal of supply and market access barriers.
  • IGU seeks to collaborate with governmental agencies and multilateral organizations to demonstrate the economic, social and environmental benefits of gas in the global energy mix.
  • IGU supports and facilitates the development of new technologies and best practices, while emphasizing sound environmental performance, safety, reliability and efficiency across the entire value chain.
  • IGU maximizes the value of its services to members and other stakeholders.


For further information contact Tatiana.Khanberg@igu.org

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