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Press Release

IGU Announces New Secretary General

01 February 2022

The IGU is delighted to announce Milton Catelin as its new Secretary General.

Milton will be based in the IGU’s London HQ and lead the IGU’s Secretariat, which is focused on membership engagement, international advocacy and the IGU’s flagship events series.

Milton is an expert in enhancing and optimising the operations of international industrial / membership associations. He has over 35 years experience across multiple vertical industries including energy and the environment as well as pharmaceuticals. He is particularly experienced across government engagement, international negotiations, policy and strategy.

Milton has previously worked for the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) in Geneva and was a lead negotiator for Australia on both climate change and ozone protection.

Professor Joe Kang, President of the IGU commented: “I am delighted that we have found a Secretary General with such valuable experience across both international engagement, and the very particular skill set of creating maximum value for members of trade associations. I look forward to working with Milton as we move towards the World Gas Conference in Daegu, Korea”

Milton Catelin commented, “I’m really excited to come into the IGU at this time. Gas has a major role to play in the global energy transition and sustainable development. I’m looking forward to help ensure that the IGU – the Global Voice of Gas – has an objective and supportive tone within both dynamics.


About the International Gas Union (IGU)

The International Gas Union, founded in 1931, is a global organisation aimed at promoting the political, technical and economic progress of the gas industry. The Union has more than 150 members worldwide on all continents, representing approximately 95% of the world gas market.



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