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Discussing the critical role for gas in the UK’s future energy system

28 November 2024

Yesterday, 27th November 2024, the International Gas Union (IGU) held a member-exclusive webinar on the critical role for gas in the UK’s future energy system, with particular focus on energy security and system resilience.

Attended by  IGU members from across the world, the webinar was hosted by Mr Sakhi Choudry (Gas Markets Strategy Manager at NESO) and by Mr Qas Sultan (Head of Market Analysis, National Gas Transmission), and moderated by IGU’s Director for Strategy and Advocacy, Mr Mark McCrory.

The presenters engaged the webinar participants in a frank and open Q&A debate on the strategic intent and the operating model of the United Kingdom’s National Energy System Operator (NESO), and on the value that natural gas can and will deliver in this future energy system, particularly with respect to the integration of low-carbon, renewable and hydrogen gasses.

McCrory said: “This event came at a very timely moment, in terms of both the UK’s transition to a low-carbon power system and the IGU’s embrace of the potential of renewable and low-carbon gases to decarbonise our energy systems. Gas as a reliable and resilient back-up to fluctuating offshore wind generation came clearly across from the UK experience of both hosts, and the system value placed on gas will therefore only grow as the share of renewables in power generation increases across the globe.”

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