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  • Understanding Methane Emissions And What The Global Gas Industry Is Doing About Them

As requested by the Directorate General for Energy of the European Commission last year, Marcogaz and Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) led the development of a report presenting the current state of industry activity on methane emissions in the European Union (EU), and beyond. The report also proposes a set of recommendations and potential actions that the industry can undertake to further reduce its methane emissions.

The International Gas Union (IGU) was pleased to be among an impressive list of industry contributors to the report. The IGU’s Global Group of Methane Experts, established in late 2016, was instrumental in sharing the most critical information on the issue from around the world.

We would like to take this opportunity to reiterate some of the key report findings and recommendations and to highlight the importance of continuing to reduce methane emissions from natural gas value chains.


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