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  • IGU
  • People, Projects and Resources

People, Projects and Resources

Training and Manning for the Expanding Fleet of LNG Carriers

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Floating LNG ― Developing and Implementing Floating Regasification and Liquefaction Projects

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GNL Mejillones Fast Track Project: Start-up under HR Vision

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Evaluation and Mitigation of Human Error during LNG Tanker Offloading, Storage and Revaporization through Enhanced Team Situational Analysis

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Training and Manning for the Expanding Fleet of LNG Carriers

Uploaded by IGU

Floating LNG ― Developing and Implementing Floating Regasification and Liquefaction Projects

Uploaded by IGU

GNL Mejillones Fast Track Project: Start-up under HR Vision

Uploaded by IGU

Evaluation and Mitigation of Human Error during LNG Tanker Offloading, Storage and Revaporization through Enhanced Team Situational Analysis

Uploaded by IGU

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