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  • IGU
  • Floating LNG Facilities

Floating LNG Facilities

A High Capacity Floating LNG Design

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Technical and Operational Innovation for Onshore and Floating LNG

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Floating LNG: The Challenges of Production Systems and Well Fluid Management

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Natural Gas Liquefaction Technology for Floating LNG Facilities

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A Flexible Solution for FLNG Tandem Offloading

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Challenges in Using Risk and Performance Based Design Methods for FLNG Safety Engineering

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A High Capacity Floating LNG Design

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Technical and Operational Innovation for Onshore and Floating LNG

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Floating LNG: The Challenges of Production Systems and Well Fluid Management

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Natural Gas Liquefaction Technology for Floating LNG Facilities

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A Flexible Solution for FLNG Tandem Offloading

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GE Oil & Gas Turbocompressor Trains on First Floating LNG Plant

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Challenges in Using Risk and Performance Based Design Methods for FLNG Safety Engineering

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